Dialogue Nights | The Courage to Dialogue: The Surest Path to Peace

Icebreaker activity during the August 2023 Dialogue Nights event

Join us for our last Dialogue Nights of 2023, “The Courage to Dialogue: The Surest Path to Peace”

This year, each event in our Dialogue Nights program will explore timely themes from Daisaku Ikeda’s speech, “Mahayana Buddhism and Twenty-first Century Civilization.” So far, we’ve explored themes such as the ‘greater self’, interdependence, the Buddhist perspective of life and death, and the restoration of humanity. For our last Dialogue Nights of the year, we will focus on the theme of dialogue. 

Doors open at 6:30pm. Come and enjoy some yummy pre-event snacks! 

Open to Students and Young Professionals
Free Admission & Free Food


For everyone’s health and safety, we ask the following:

Should you have any COVID-like symptoms, or are not feeling well, we kindly look forward to seeing you at a future in-person event!