
Meeting participants clapping
Participants engage in dialogue at the Ikeda Center
Woman speaking behind podium

Join Us in Building Transformative Cultures of Peace

Inspired by the Buddhist humanism of our founder, Daisaku Ikeda, we believe learning and dialogue present the surest path to peace.

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To have faith in the promise of dialogue is to believe in the promise of humanity.

Daisaku Ikeda

Resource Library

In this section, which features articles, essays, lectures, poems, and interviews, you can experience the cumulative wisdom of the people who have been associated with the Center, and co-investigate the themes that have been explored through our events, dialogues, and projects. Check it out!

Participants in dialogue during the reception of the 2019 Ikeda Forum
What Do We Mean By?

Value Creation

Value creation is the activity and pursuit that undergirds all of the work of the Ikeda Center. “Put simply,” states Daisaku Ikeda, “value creation is the capacity to find meaning, to enhance one’s existence, and contribute to the well-being of others, under any circumstance.”